"Why so much trouble? We're living in such a remarkable place."
One of the Only Folk-Rock Vampires
Left Alive
By Becca Joseph
SUSTO embraces pain and uncertainty, aware that there is no way to totally rid yourself of life’s suffering, but offers listeners something close to a healing. In the sense of the Folk-rock, Alt-Country, Psychedelic rock band, the word “Susto” should be the name of a children’s game like Bloody Mary- because if you call the name then Justin Osborne will appear. Maybe he doesn’t actually teleport into your room like in the vampire shows, he’s not a ghoul in the mirror. Although the band comes complete with some grisly lairs. But the transcendence is more of a spiritual connection achieved through a deep listening state of meditation. A Spotify click enlightened vacation. There Susto is to bring you back to your soul if you feel you’ve temporary had it ghost you. Or let the music’s presence creep through to help strengthen you. The music that gives you assistance to battle your own physical and mental demons. And while there is no cure for pain and suffering, together or apart- Susto brings us closer.
Now zoom out for just one minute, look at the world we’re living in. A pandemic that has only plagued an already ill planet much further. A sick society with ruthless socially constructed human suffering that has always ran rabid. And over the past few decades, arguably with the Death of Kurt Cobain and with the evolution from clear channel to vapid Instagram and youtube personalities, our musical and literary pop cultural icons as a whole seemed to have sucked out any heart and soul left in humanity. And a large pool of dripping data reveals what many young people value most…fame. And fame for fame’s sake alone, rather than the desire to cultivate their power to be a real leader and reform society in any well-thought-out kind of way.
This grossly status and fame obsessed society, I believe lacks strong leadership at every macro institutional level. At this pop cultural art-level we are starved, like hopeless collectively soul-less blood-thirsty vampires trying to feed on anything to get a quick fix, usually just a fleeting shot of sex appeal. An EpiPen of lust. Living vicariously through flashing dollar bill videos to lose ourselves in feeling like a badass- even just for a fleeting second.
I fear we have moved further away from real artist celebrity cultural figures. Surrounded by writers and musicians that seem to at least not only lack the desire to reform and improve society in meaningful ways but also overall without any real unique convictions or approaches of their own (or at least when they rise to fame these seem to vanish).
What scares me more than vampire B movies are pre-existing packaged crowd sourced ideologies within the mainstream art world and all to frequent vacant clones within the indie scenes. These musical and literary voices, on the left and right creating a samsara loop of same-y-ness with only the slightest variations to keep us thinking we are viewing or hearing something different.
However, enter Susto stage right. I saw Susto during what I believe was either the first or second Susto show ever, standing in a pretty empty pit at New Brookland Tavern in Columbia, South Carolina that foggy night. What I remember most was Justin playing Vampiro 66 with sunglasses on, and mostly the spirit he conveyed that hovered over the entire stage. I thought “Wow, what is this?” This is something different, someone making the music that they want to make and something legendary. Not just an artist who was clearly influenced by the greats, embracing their lineage, because I liked that he seemed to be biting Bob Dylan just a bit. And that he had an aura somewhere in the vein of Johnny Cash. Yet it was this perfect mix of the best of pop and folk, glamour, edge, heart, and soul. Justin and the band were turning that place into a movie barroom. It was classic yet fresh and authentic. It was the real deal, not Child’s Play cinema. He was doing something different making it all his own; not just like the greats, he just already was one of the greats.
But Justin’s not just some mega talent legendary vampire, larger than life persona, glorified sage on a stage- Justin embraces his humanity too. He’s vulnerable in a way that predates it’s trending on social media. Pulling us into the psychological and sociological angst with him. Making us effectively know we are not alone to the various demons and sink holes we stumble into collectively or solo. And as any great artist should, he offers what feel like almost viable solutions. Solutions that seem almost in reach. And if we embrace Susto enough, I mean if we really absorb it, and become a part of it, feel the Susto spirit, we realize that in the virtual world and the physical world, Justin pre-fame, or living larger than life in a future Tom Petty haze. Justin and Susto will retain their humanity and their power will equally permeate.
Overtime it has become increasing clear who Justin can be. Out of all the current pop cultural icons, he’s one of the only few I can think of that has been the quintessential good vampire. Not the vampire anti-hero. Not the vampire villain. But the vampire trying to be the Sheppard. To do the right thing and help everyone get saved. Justin Osborne of Susto, not another blood-thirsty money hungry demon, but a modern-day beatnik, that spits out the bad and good and makes good overpower evil. That cares about the future of humanity and that wants to uplift and challenge society+ your heart, mind, head, and soul. And I must add that there’s been times in my life where the only thing that has been able to console me is listening to & I’m Fine Today or tracks on it on repeat.
Now chant “Susto” ten times fast, louder and louder with sincerity, wake the other greats out of their graves, the Psychedelic- Folk-Rock-Pop culturally deprived from their sleepless soulless slumber, and we’ll invite the vampire in…
Interview with Justin Osborne:
Becca: What is your Spirit Animal?
Justin: There are 2 animals that I feel akin too, Dolphin's & Jaguars each for very different reasons.
Becca: If you could summarize the meaning of life in one word what would it be?
Justin: Love
Becca: That’s what I say all the time, I’ll send you some of my friend’s names for references if you don’t believe me, or you can fact check with Jeremy. But you are probably too busy saving the word, so we’re groovy! Next question…
I know everyone is special like Mr. Rogers said, but in terms of legends and real leadership do you think people are born to be great or become great?
Justin: I think it's probably both, but I’d say that nurture is more important. I think we are born with a lot of the same tools but it's important that from birth development is nurtured. Some of us are obviously born into better situations than others, and unfortunately, we have no control over that. It's important to recognize the gifts of nurture you've been given and use them instead of taking them for granted. Some people do a lot more with less nurture, than some folks do who are given the world from the start. I think that's where the power of free will comes into play. It's important to find peace, and I don't think peace comes from being overly ambitious or overly leisurely. A balance seems to be the best road to feeling calm.
Becca: Do you believe in souls?
Justin: I think so, but not in a biblical sense & I don't necessarily believe that souls live on after death, I also think it's possible that they could live on, but I wouldn't pretend to know anything like that for certain.
Becca: Looking at your Spotify, what are listed as your top albums of 2019?
Justin: In 2019 it was the album All My Relations by Cochemea, I’m confident that for 2020 it will be Funky Kingston by Toots & The Maytals.
Becca: Sweet! So, I recently realized that you are a huge Marley fan! Also, Op Ivy and The Grateful Dead and so many others of my all- time favorites… In terms of Marley I owned at least 16 Marley albums, & compilations in pre-napster and CD burning days and am always game for a “Marley off”. What is your favorite Marley album?
Justin: Favorite Marley album is Babylon By Bus, hope a live one is an ok choice.
Becca: Definitely, because that along with & I’m Fine today are actually two of my top 8 albums of all times. the Marley fanfare between us makes perfect sense, as you are a key player in carrying on Bob Marley’s one love dream. #Sustosaves #Onelove.
Don't Like Reading? Take The SUSTO Fast Track!
Intended Audience: SUSTO Rookies
Total estimated trip time: 33 seconds
*ASSIGNMENT # 1: Study the logos below
Intended Audience: SUSTO Rookies
Total estimated trip time: 33 seconds
*ASSIGNMENT # 1: Study the logos below
*ASSIGNMENT # 2 Copy the CliffsNotes:
*Please note: this is the abbreviated version, if you dive deep enough into each of the bands archives/full discography you will see at a “soul-ular” vibe-ular level, in terms of authenticity, & sheer caliber and potential of talent these are all objective facts, but you really need to dig deep into each of them to get it.
ASSIGNMENT # 3 Fall under the SUSTO/ Justin Osborne spell fast:
ASSIGNMENT # 3 Fall under the SUSTO/ Justin Osborne spell fast:
+ Eternal Vampire |
+ Hollywood Hills Glamour |
+ Social Justice Leader & Unifier
+ ... Bonus spell: Justin’s magic Holy Waters (Blame it on the Rain)/ Nope, it’s About Rain, too! Rinse; repeat. + Double Bonus: Morrison/Osborne/Cobain Guessing Game:Double Bonus all the way what does it mean?!
=SUSTO helps Save America
***Think you are ready for the 3 question Susto Quiz? Find your initial starting place into the 12 tribes of the United SUSTO family. By clicking HERE, THEN be awarded handsomely with custom made playlist.
6 Questions with 6ixx
(Light in the Dark Host)
Demetrius “6ixx” Similien is a force like no other. When 6ixx steps into the room and takes the stage everybody is awakened, thrust out of their own personal drama, making them realize this life- their existence…they are part of something much bigger. Something much greater. He’s an original, with his own ethos and platform, one of the greatest cultural figures and motivational speakers of our time. He’ll jump up on the table. He'll cry. He'll scream. He'll make you think; everybody finding themselves stunned like a deer in the headlights, not really sure what to make of it but realizing he is really onto something, taking them somewhere new. Somewhere they have always wanted to go and have always felt from deep within their soul.
When 6ixx is on he commands your attention, to think, to feel, to love, to take part in fixing in this collective human struggle and to embrace your humanity.
He screams at you with love, he makes you a better person, he makes you feel like tomorrow will be a new and brighter day and together we can brave it if we just open our hearts, minds, heads, and souls.
Demetrius “6ixx” Similien is a first generation Haitian American. His mother fled Haiti pregnant with him at the age of 13 to give birth to him in the United States. He is a graduate of Benedict college in Columbia, SC, and has a B.A. in political science. Sixx is a motivational speaker, a filmmaker, a musician, a poet, a collage artist, activist, and an inspiring human being who has overcome many obstacles including healing himself from a debilitating sports injury that had him bed-bound and up-ended his football career and scholarship.
Learn 6 facts about 6ixx, followed by 6ixx & the Ugly Truth
Becca: What is your Spirit Animal(s)?
Sixx: My spirit animal would be a momma bear! I’m protective over my friends and loved ones like they are my (cubs). I also respect their strength and overall ability to survive and be nurturing towards things they love.
Becca: If you could summarize the meaning of life in one word what would it be?
Sixx: Adventure would be my one-word answer
Becca: I know everyone is special like Mr. Rogers said, but in terms of legends and real leadership do you think people are born to be great or become great?
Sixx: I think people become great! Yes environment does help develop people, but history has shown the ability of people to grow and blossom even out of the worst possible situations, so this means that self-determination is the main ingredient in what makes people become the brightest version of themselves.
Becca: Do you believe in souls?
Sixx: Yes, I believe in souls. There’s no other way to explain my existence and how some connections are easy and effortless!
Becca: Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If yes, how so?
Sixx: Yes, and I believe in the spiritual connection of living things. I also believe in how we as humans give off energy and when we pass that energy we transform into something else.
Becca: What advice do you have for people to stay motivated and positive right now?
Sixx: Wow! I would say to anybody that yes these times are hard but it’s moments and times like this that who we want to be and who we believe we can be are made and developed! Also, I would say always be mindful of the love around you and don’t take friendships and family for granted. Try and take a step back and look honestly outward and see how much loss and loneliness does exist.
IG @6ixx_n_dacity
Impossible Machines
(& Reptile Western) Playlist
Playlist Directions:
Get ready to switch gears for something different Sink into a deep meditative trance, experience the doors of perception/breaking on through to the other side/entering Magic Doors to new dimensions. Daniel Hammond Is One of South Carolina's BEST KEPT SECRETS |
*Extra Credit Assignment: Play both Husband tracks at the same time. Think: Pink Floyd-The Dark Side of the Moon + The Wizard of Oz or The Flaming Lips- Zarieeka
(Use your imagination. They even end right around the same time! What does it mean?) |
Bio:Husband is an experimental electronica duo from Columbia, SC. Multi-instrumentalist, Adam Corbett, and his wife, Rebekah Rice (*who is a magical goddess!!!!!!!!), started the project using a handful of beats and samples Adam created in his spare time. With a combination of live instruments and various iPad apps, the couple builds densely layered eccentric pop tunes that you might be able to dance to.
*=edited by Becca Joseph Dig: husbandtheband.com |
Light in the Dark Summer 2020:
Hosted by 6ixx & Headlined by SUSTO
SUSTO Friends, Lovers, Ex-Lovers, Whatever from Jam Room Fest 2018 Courtesy of Hunter Desportes |
Additional Festival Bonus Features :

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